主計處(室)The Department of BAS
主計機構人員設置管理條例Statutes for Establishment and Management of Budget, Accounting and Statistics Agencies and BAS Personnel
主計機構人員設置管理條例施行細則Enforcement Rules of the Management Act for Personnel Establishment of BAS Agencies
主計機構編制訂定及人員任免遷調辦法Regulations for Organization Setting of BAS Agencies and for Appointment, Dismissal, Transfer of BAS Personnel
以前年度歲計賸餘Surplus of Previous Fiscal Years
出口物價指數Export Price Index (EPI)
出版、影音製作、傳播及資通訊服務業Publishing, Audio and Video Production, Broadcasting, Information and Communication
外生變數Exogenous Variable
失業率Unemployment Rate
平均每人國民生產毛額Per Capita GNP
平均每人國民所得Per Capita National Income
民間消費Private Final Consumption Expenditure
民間實際消費Private Actual Final Consumption
生活成本指數Cost of Living Index (COLI)
生產及進口稅淨額Net Taxes on Production and Imports
生產者物價指數Producer Price Index (PPI)
生產者價格Producers' Prices
生產總額Gross Output
用水供應及污染整治業Water Supply and Remediation
全國主計網eBAS(Extranet for Government Budget,Accounting and Statistics)