行政院主計總處專業獎章頒給辦法Grant Regulations for Profession Medal of Directorate General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, Executive Yuan
行政院主計總處組織法Organization Act of Directorate General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, Executive Yuan
行政院主計總處處務規程Regulations for Departmental affairs of Directorate General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, Executive Yuan
行政院主計總處提供普(抽)查資料及場地設備使用收費標準Fee-charging Standards for Census/Survey Data Processing, Site and Facility Usage Provided by DGBAS, Executive Yuan
行政院主計總處普查評審會設置要點Establishment Directions for Census Evaluation Committee, DGBAS
行政院主計總處模範公務人員選拔作業要點Operating Guidelines for Selection of Model Civil Servants of Directorate General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, Executive Yuan
行政院主計總處核定各類會計制度程序Procedures for Checking and Ratifying Accounting Systems by Directorate General of Budget,Accounting and Statistics, Executive Yuan
行政院主計總處國民所得統計評審會設置要點Establishment Guidelines for National Income Statistics Committee of Directorate General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, Executive Yuan
行政院年度計畫及預算審核會議組設要點Directions for Constituting the Annual Programs and Budget Screening Council
行政院所屬各機關加強經濟及社會建設先期規劃經費處理要點Notices of Handling Pre-programming Funds for Enhancing Economic and Social Construction Programs by Subordinate Agency of Executive Yuan
行政程序證人鑑定人日費旅費及鑑定報酬支給標準Standards of Paying Diem, Travel Allowance and Inspecting Remuneration for Witness and Expert Witness in the Administrative Procedure
行政資料處理系統Administrative Data-Processing (ADP) System
行業標準分類Standard Industrial Classification
住宿及餐飲業Accommodation and Food Service
批發及零售業Wholesale and Retail Trade
投入係數Input Coefficients
決算法Financial Statement Act
其他服務業Other Services
受僱人員報酬Compensation of Employees