政府消費Government Final Consumption Expenditure
政府會計準則公報Governmental Accounting Pronouncement
政府會計觀念公報Governmental Accounting Concepts Statements
政府歲計會計作業系統推廣專案Promotion Project of Government Budget Accounting Information Management System
政府機關Government Agency
施政績效責任Operational Accountability
計畫型補助款Programs Grant
家庭收支調查The Survey of Family Income and Expenditure
家庭消費Final Consumption Expenditure of Households
時間序列模型Time Series Model
核心消費者物價指數Core Consumer Price Index (Core CPI)
消費者物價指數Consumer Price Index (CPI)
財物標準分類The Standards of Classification for Properties
財務遵循責任Financial Accountability
財團法人依法預算須送立法院之預算編製注意事項Notices for foundations to compile the annual budgetary statement for submission to the Legislative Yuan
財團法人預算未獲立法院審議通過時之執行注意事項Notices for the budget implementation in the case of not being approved by the Legislative Yuan
國內出差旅費報支要點Directions of the Domestic Travel Allowance Disbursement
國內生產毛額Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
國內要素所得Domestic Factor Income