中華民國xx年度中央政府總預算編製辦法Regulations for Preparing Central Government General Budget of FYxxxx
中華民國xx年度各縣(市)地方總預算編製要點Directions for Preparing County (City) Local Government General Budget of FYxxxx
中華民國xx年度直轄市及縣(市)總預算附屬單位預算編製要點Directions for Preparing Subsidiary Agencies Budget of Manicipalities and Counties(Cities) General Budget, FYxxxx
中華民國XX年度國營事業計畫總綱General Programs of the State-owned Enterprises,FYxxxx
中華民國xx年度總決算附屬單位決算編製要點Directions for Preparing Financial Statement of Subsidiary Agencies, Fyxxxx
中華民國xx年度總決算編製要點Directions for Preparing General Financial Statements , FYxxxx
中華民國xx年度總預算半年結算報告編製要點Directions for Preparing General Budget Semi-annual Balance Statement, FYxxxx
中華民國xx年度總預算附屬單位預算半年結算報告編製要點Directions for Preparing Semi-Annual Balance Statement of Subsidiary Agencies, FYxxxx
中華民國職業標準分類Standard Occupational Classification of R.O.C
中間消費Intermediate Consumption
內生變數Endogenous Variable
內部審核處理準則Internal Auditing Regulations
公共行政及國防;強制性社會安全Public Administration and Defense;Compulsory Social Security
公務統計Administrative Statistics
公務統計方案實施要點Directions of Administrative Statistics Scheme
戶數五等分位所得差距倍數Ratio of income share of highest 20% to that of lowest 20%
支出標準及審核作業手冊Handbook of Expenditure Standards and Internal Auditing Process
支援服務業Support Service
主計人員獎懲辦法Reward and Punishment Regulations for BAS personnel
主計機構設置及員額編制標準Organization Standards for Establishment and Personnel Headcounts of BAS Agencies